
Showing posts from December, 2019

how to get my husband back

When things are bad in a relationship, it seems like all the good stuff has been pushed out by arguments, anger, and sadness. But you got married for a reason. That deep connection that you built and those powerful feelings don’t just evaporate overnight. They’re still there. If you can focus on those good feelings instead of the bad one, you can nurture them and make them grow . Remember that the absence of these signs don’t mean he’s necessarily fallen out of love with you. Every couple is different. He still does the little things One sign that he still has feelings is that he still does the little things for you. What are some annoying habits of his that you managed to get him to stop like leaving his socks on the floor or the cap off the toothpaste. You made him realize that these were important to you and so he made an effort. Often when the love is gone, so is the effort. But if he still maintains these good habits despite your troubles, he’s doing it out of love